Mental Health 101: Signs You Need to See a Therapist

Talking to a therapist

As if people’s ordinary lives haven’t been challenging enough, the coronavirus pandemic happened and upended everything. Entertainment and other activities people clung to for stress relief have all been cancelled or closed, and their routines have been interrupted. Then, some got laid off while others had to work from home. People have also been stranded in their apartment, unable to visit their friends and loved ones. On top of it is the fear of their health amid the pandemic.

All of these are enough to give someone intense stress and anxiety. According to a recent report, 45 percent of adults reported that the pandemic had changed their mental health. And despite the progress society has made toward normalising talks about mental health, there’s still a stigma surrounding it, which can prevent some people from seeking professional help.

While you might be able to handle stress on your own, the following are signs that it might be time to talk to a therapist:

1. You’re having a hard time regulating your emotions.

It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, even within a short time. But you have to observe how intensely these emotions spike. Usually, depression manifests as negative emotions, such as short-temper and irritability or increased sadness. If you find you’re feeling these things in a more intense way than you usually do, then you might benefit from talking to a therapist.

2. Your performance at work or school is being affected.

When stress and anxiety start affecting your performance in other areas of your life, then it’s a sign that it’s time to ask for help. Mental health issues can impair your concentration and attention, which can result in subpar productivity. And if you get behind on your tasks, it will result in more stress. With the help of a therapist who undergoes CPD for psychology, you can address your issues head-on and find ways to bring your performance back up.

3. You’re struggling to build or maintain relationships.

Often, people struggling with mental health issues feel isolated or voluntarily isolates themselves from their loved ones. What’s more, they also find it challenging to communicate, which is an essential part of healthy relationships. If you find yourself retreating from your friends or having trouble communicating with others, therapy might be able to help.

4. You’re not eating or sleeping well.

depressed woman sitting in couch

Lack of appetite and difficulty sleeping are two main signs of mental health issues. Anxiety, for example, can make it difficult for you to sleep because you’re thinking of and worrying about too many things at once. Stress can also turn your stomach into knots, making it difficult to enjoy food. The opposite is true for these things as well. You might want to sleep all the time or binge-eat when you’re under stress. Neither of these is healthy, so addressing your issues by talking to a therapist may be what you need.

If you’re one of the many experiencing mental health issues, especially during these stressful times, keep in mind that reaching out is not a sign of weakness. Knowing that you need help and acting on it is a sign of strength because you’re actively doing something to care for yourself.

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