Making Your Home Better for Your Physio Health


According to a study, physiotherapy is more effective if we believe that it will help us. True enough, things tend to go the way we want to when we are confident that they’ll fall into place. The same apparently goes for our health; the more we believe that we have a chance for recovery, the more likely it will happen to us.

Hence, if you’re undergoing physiotherapy, one of the best ways to boost its effectiveness is to access it from your home. When you’re able to receive treatment anytime, and in the comfort of your own space at that, you’ll feel more positive that you’ll heal. Of course, the involvement of a professional is still necessary, but during times when you just don’t feel like visiting a healthcare facility, having the option to do it at home would be a life-saver.

Pilates, for example, is a common exercise used in physiotherapy and is usually done in gyms or wellness centers. But you can totally do it at home, along with other workouts so that you’d be spared the need to leave the house.

That said, here’s how to make your home do wonders for your physio health:

1. Stock Up on Home Workout Equipment

One of the ways to maintain our physio health or boost the therapy’s effects is to stay active. Luckily, you don’t need to hit the gym to get your daily dose of workouts. By having your own exercise mat, resistance bands, jump rope, dumbbells, and a pull-up bar, your at-home workouts can be as good as an hour’s worth of a gym session.

Before buying an exercise mat, though, consider between a yoga mat and a jump mat. The latter is actually more versatile because its cushioning helps yoga sessions become more comfortable. So if you’re also into yoga, it might be better to invest in a high-quality jump mat as opposed to a cheap yoga mat.

Resistance bands are another must-have item. You may forego the rest if you’re not into high-intensity workouts, but not the resistance bands. They come in a range of resistance levels, from very light to extremely heavy. You may use them as an alternative for dumbbells, and they even produce better results, because they can exercise the whole body, instead of just the biceps or other specific muscle groups.

A jump rope is also important, especially on days when you can’t get a full workout. Jump ropes are inexpensive and fun to use, just as long as you have enough room in your workout space.

woman working out

2. Make a Pilates Studio at Home

Pilates may look a little intimidating, but it’s a highly effective workout that boosts the body’s strength safely. If you haven’t tried it yet, there are actually several types of Pilates classes and methods, and what works best for you may be determined by a physiotherapist or Pilates instructor.

If you’ve been cleared for a low-impact, slow, but an intense type of Pilates, a.k.a. reformer style, that can be easily done at home. You don’t need studio-type equipment; a yoga mat or jump mat will do, along with some sliders, handheld weights (or bottles), a roomy space, and a peaceful environment.

Power up by wearing activewear that makes you feel confident. Then try out different reformer-style moves, with the help of a free Pilates class video, an instructor, or your physiotherapist. Zoom or any other remote conference software can make at-home Pilates sessions effective and hassle-free.

3. Make Your Space a Self-care Haven

When we’re trying to recover from a physical condition, the state of our spaces is crucial. An untidy, cluttered space can mess with your mind as well, affecting your belief that your treatment will help you.

Therefore, make time for organizing your belongings, getting rid of everything you don’t need anymore, and hiding all the eyesores. Decluttering your space also de-clutters your mind, keeping thoughts of health- or therapy-related issues at bay.

In your bedroom, check if your bedding is still the right one for your condition. If you have a musculoskeletal problem, your physiotherapist has most likely advised that you change your mattress and pillows. Hence, test if your back, neck, and head can rest comfortably on your bed. If you always wake up in pain, it’s likely a clear message that you need a new supportive mattress and pillows.

Create a relaxing ambiance. It will be essential for your yoga or Pilates sessions. Use aromatherapy, play soothing tunes, invest in healing crystals, and listen to a podcast. These simple tools will stimulate calmness, reduce your stress, and invoke mindfulness. They may not cure your physiological ailment, but elevated self-care will benefit your mind and increase your faith in recovery. Ultimately, it will help in making your physiotherapy more effective.

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