How to Make Your Home Colder in Environmentally Friendly Ways

white ceiling fan

The world is warming up, and alongside it is our homes. Unfortunately, it has been challenging to cool our homes because of an increasing feedback loop in our cities affecting our climate. Currently, we are innovating ways to regulate the temperature in our homes without utilizing fossil fuels.

We’ve come to a crucial point in our world’s history when the damages done by climate change are almost irreversible. We only have a few years left before this happens, and that we should save our world the best way we can. However, this grows ever more challenging because of how the warm climate is making us uncomfortable.

The warm climate creates a negative feedback loop where traditional air conditioners are releasing more hot air into the air, which leads to a growing need for air conditioning. If you want to cool your home in ways that are friendly to the environment, here are some pointers.

Install Ceiling Fans

Installing ceiling fans is one of the most traditional ways we cool our homes. However, it is also one of the most environmentally friendly methods.

Unlike air conditioners, ceiling fans don’t emit any harmful greenhouse gases when we turn them on. Instead, they utilize the already cool air surrounding us and concentrate all that effort in a given place. As a result, it’s an excellent way to regulate the temperature in a particular room.

Moreover, ceiling fans use very little electricity. This means that you can save money while using them and also requires far fewer fossil fuels to power them. Therefore, ceiling fans are a great all-around choice if you want to keep your home cool. Another way you can cool your home is by utilizing storage tanks.

Install Indoor Kitchen Hoods

The kitchen often brings a lot of heat into your home through the smoke it emits. Therefore, you must get rid of this smoke circulating your home by installing a kitchen hood. Kitchen hoods suck whatever smoke or smell circulate your kitchen air, which can be the usual suspects for a hot house. Furthermore, this can help regulate the temperature of your kitchen area.

open patio

Utilizing Storage Tanks

Homes with storage tanks are less likely to run out of water if there are water interruptions in your city and are unlikely to have hot water.

The thing about water in our homes is that they travel through pipes, which heat up if the climate is too warm. This is a general concern for homes that live in hot places like California, making it so much harder to cool their homes. One way you can solve this problem is by installing a chilled water storage tank near your home. Utilizing these tanks will give you cold water in your home, indirectly cooling your home. Additionally, you never have to worry about having warm water ever again.

Do an Open Floor Plan

Homes that tend to have multiple walls tend to be hotter than homes with fewer walls. This is because walls can be detrimental to air regulation around your home. It can trap hot air inside while keeping cool air outside. To avoid this situation, you can remodel your home to an open floor plan.

It’s time for you to remove unneeded partition walls in your home, especially in social areas like the kitchen, living room, and dining room. By removing these walls, you leave more space for air to regulate itself. In addition, if you install sliding doors in these locations, you can also let the cool air come into your home. This is one of the most efficient ways to cool your home without using any electricity at all.

Smart Devices

Lastly, to efficiently manage your home’s temperature and ensure that you are not using too much energy to keep it cool, you must install smart devices to manage your HVAC system.

Smart devices have been around for quite some time, but it’s only recently that we’ve started to use them. Smart devices have many uses, but currently, their main use is to regulate the electricity we use in our homes by turning off unneeded appliances such as air conditioners and heaters. Furthermore, they can increase your home’s temperature at the push of a button. It can also keep your home’s temperature that way until you change it.

You can keep your home cool without affecting our environment. By following these suggestions, you can also save a bit more money on electricity. Make your home experience different from before.

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