The Importance of the Employer-apprentice Relationship

employees in a meeting

Apprenticeship is offered across all sectors to people who want to learn.

The program provides real-world experiences to young professionals who are entering the workforce for the first time, expanding their skill set to climb the corporate ladder or want to switch careers. It is a way for individuals to be exposed and work to the daily grind of their chosen field, gain technical mastery, and learn soft skills that will become useful once they finally have to forge their own path in the industry.

A Chance of a Lifetime

In Singapore, a globally competitive city on par with New York and London, the workforce is encouraged to continue learning for their knowledge and credentials up-to-date and relevant. Singaporeans who are eligible can get going through short but intensive training to skill areas currently in high demand across the nation and worldwide.

Other organizations have their own apprenticeship programs for Singaporeans to take advantage of. Those who grab these types of opportunities get a head start in their careers and show a potential employer what they can achieve, giving them an advantage when it comes to hiring.

The Role of an Apprentice

Apprentices learn through hands-on work.

While schools can effectively convey information, there is a limit to what students can do. There is a limit to the learning that schools can provide which, sometimes, can leave the students unequipped by the time they graduate and have to enter the workforce. An apprenticeship bridges that gap between school and employment.

As an apprentice, you will not be just an observer. You will be given tasks to complete. Although the training part is more important than the work you are assigned, you still have to do a great job to practice your skill-set, get beneficial experience, and impress your mentor/employer who might give you a job or refer you to a company within the industry that will hire you.

The Role of the Employer


An apprenticeship program is not a way to source cheap or free labor. Too many companies worldwide take advantage of young professionals who are hungry for knowledge and experience to save money on wages and other benefits that regular employees get.

An apprentice expects to learn from the program. The employer’s role is to assign a task for the apprentice to complete during working hours and provide mentorship and coaching. They are a source of knowledge, wisdom, and support.

Moreover, they should teach by example. The apprentice will watch the employer’s every move, analyze the decision they make, and observe how they treat their clients and staff. The employer’s work ethic should inspire and leave a positive lasting impression.

The employer needs to create a positive environment that encourages learning. They should be open to the apprentice, who is an outsider, to look around, observe, and truly get to know the business and its operations. The apprenticeship is temporary, but the apprentice is still a member of the team who can contribute to making decisions that impact the company’s trajectory.

The employer benefits from the relationship by having immediate access to skilled workers. There is no longer a long and expensive process of recruitment to go through. If the program is a success, the employer will have an individual ready to go to work immediately at their disposal.

Many employers have also reported improving quality of service, productivity, and employee morale. Through work-study program, employers can also build a highly skilled team of workers who have mastery of the field and the soft skills necessary to thrive in an office setting.

Establishing a Working Partnership

The apprenticeship program is limited, but it still works. There needs to be a professional relationship between the apprentice and the employer. The employer, for example, expects confidentiality from the apprentice. The apprentice, on the other hand, wants honesty from the employer. An apprenticeship is a mutually beneficial arrangement, and both parties reap the rewards because it is a collaboration.

The apprenticeship will prepare you to enter the workforce. After the program, you will be expected to have the relevant knowledge and skills needed to survive office life and succeed within the field.

The program also benefits the employer because they train young professionals to fulfill roles within the industry. They have access to a pool of talent that, by the end of the apprenticeship program, already knows how they can contribute to the company.

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