March 2021

sick boy blowing his nose

Colds in Children: Understanding the Causes and Addressing Them

Our bodies are usually known for adapting to different types of environments. Whether it’s under the sweltering heat of the sun, under freezing temperatures, or in humid environments near the equator, our bodies can survive extreme weather and environmental conditions for an extended period. At the same time, our bodies can also learn to adapt […]

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reading with parents

The Connection Between Parenting and Arts & Media

We’re living in a world where anyone with a smartphone or tablet and an internet connection can easily access all sorts of data, information, and media, including children. When the pandemic stuck, it somehow cemented the internet’s importance to everyday life as almost everything took place online. Remote work and Zoom meetings became the new

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The Benefits of Sending Your Kids to a Boarding School

Singapore is considered one of the most competitive countries in Southeast Asia. It boasts a robust education system, a strong and steady economy, and an array of well-known tourist spots. But this doesn’t mean that it’s not facing problems. One of its most significant issues is the declining rates of fertility. In 2020, it experienced

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family sleeping

Children and Sleep: Key Ways of Developing Good Sleeping Habits

Children are known for being bundles of joy and love to explore, experiment, and play with their surroundings and other children. Although playing is an essential part of a child’s development, learning and having a good night’s sleep is also a part of their developmental process. However, striking a balance between play, school, and rest

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