Ways to Practice Yoga at Home

doing yoga exercises at home on floor

Yoga is more than a form of exercise. It’s not a mere fad that came into the US shores to address the demand for activities promoting health and wellness. In other countries, especially India, it is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice from an ancient tradition that lives, still.

When you are practicing yoga, knowing its significance beyond its physical effects is a form of respect to its history. You become more attuned to the core of its existence, even if your spiritual belief lies elsewhere. Going deeper means learning further. You might find the need to take a yoga retreat in countries like Cambodia and Indonesia as you partake in a healing session or Reiki 2 class for a healthier mind, body, and soul.

This is why it’s important to practice yoga under the guidance of yogis who try to incorporate the philosophies of yoga in every session. This way, you can have a better understanding of how it relates to your own journey in life. In that instant, yoga becomes a part of your lifestyle. By learning to be mindful of your inner being, you learn to become mindful of the things around you. It is, then, emanated to the way you live. You might find the need to change what you eat, where you shop, and how you work.

When you understand the principles of yoga, no matter how basic you think your knowledge is, it will stay with you forever. You can start the day with yoga exercises—wherever you are in the world. You don’t have to be in the studio. For the times you need to get your daily dose of yoga at home, here are some tips to get you started:

1. Find a comfortable spot.

You don’t need a vacant room where the sunlight shines brightly to practice yoga at home. If you do, good for you, you can transform the room into your own studio. However, if you don’t have available space, you can make one. Roll your mat where there are peace and quiet, and of course, enough space for you to move without hitting the furniture. You can make the most out of your at-home yoga experience by lighting a candle or incense. It’s not a requirement, but it can surely create the atmosphere you might need despite the limited space.

2. Have your yoga accessories ready.

Woman rolling her lilac mat after a yoga class on wooden floor

The good thing about yoga is that you don’t need many accessories to practice it. This makes it convenient for those who constantly travel. All they need is their mat with them, or sometimes, the hotel carpet. When you plan to practice at home, be certain that you have a non-slip mat with you. It’s better to invest in a good one than purchase a cheap mat which needs to be changed after a few uses. It’s bad for the environment. And worse, it might cause you an injury.

3. Choose your routine.

You can practice on your own or watch an online class to guide you. Whichever you prefer, choose a routine that will address what you need at that point in time. If you’ve been practicing for a long time, you must know how the different yoga styles can affect your mind and body. If not, don’t dwell too much and just allow yourself to practice freely.

Opening your mind and body through yoga will help you find your truth. In turn, you will find the peace you need. Live well.

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