Raising Active Children: How To Encourage It

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It’s a common complaint nowadays that many children are always doing nothing or are stuck in front of screens. But it is not completely the fault of the devices. Parents should be taking steps to encourage children to lead more active lives so that they can be healthier. Here are some helpful tips on how to get your child up and moving.

Lead By Example

One thing that people have to remember when it comes to raising children is that it is best to lead by example. If children see their parents being lazy and not exercising, then that is what children will also be doing. When children see that it is fun and entertaining to do sports or exercise, they will want to do it themselves. Simply do a normal fitness routine regularly and they will want to imitate that. Once they have shown some interest, then you should be able to instruct them on the basics.

Provide Them Space

A big challenge to children being active is the need for space. Running around and having fun can be limiting when they only have the indoors to do so. But an empty backyard is not much better. You need a place that is accommodating for outdoor activities. Fortunately, suppliers of patio kits can provide you with a nice place to do so. Instead of just the bare ground, you can have a wooden deck and even have a bit of shade for outdoor activities. The patio can also be a nice place to relax instead of being stuck indoors. It encourages children to get up and have fun around the backyard.

Show Them Fun Activities

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Children don’t often know what sort of activities they can do outside. Parents should be showing off some of the things that they can do beyond exercising or sports. Some examples of what they can do can include flying kites on windy days or going for a simple walk. If your family has a pet, bring your child along when you are taking them out for the pet’s daily walk so they can have fun watching the pet’s antics. There are other things that you can do outdoors like playing backyard games or a picnic. The key thing is to have fun outdoors and to show it to them.

Play Along With Them

Once you have them interested, you should make yourself be part of their activities. This further cements their interest. Children like doing things with their parents and your participation in activities is a bonus. It also reinforces being active with positive images in their mind. When children have good memories of running around and having fun, this will only encourage them to do it more. Additionally, it also allows you to keep an eye on them. While a lot of outdoor activities can be safe, there is always the risk of something bad happening,

Don’t Make It Hard

Another thing you should be doing is to make it as easy as possible. Children don’t like an overwhelming challenge. As they get older, this might change, but normal children give up when they face something complicated. You should choose to give them fitness and activity options that match their ability. For example, when you are teaching them to exercise, don’t specify the number of repetitions. Have them do the exercise properly and then develop them from that. A few perfect push-ups are better than having them give up on things.

Try Various Options

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You should also remember to have your children try out things. When they’re young, they still don’t know what they want. It is better that you give them options instead of simply forcing them to do things. For example, when you are looking for a sport that they might want to try, you should let them choose. Show your child the various sports and see what they like. It should be easy enough to find video clips of various sports or you can show buy a few pieces of equipment so they can try them out. The important thing is that it is them making the choice.

Being active when you are younger is a good foundation for a future lifestyle. A lot of people start bad habits that often last for the rest of their lives. Knowing that someone cares for their well-being can be all the encouragement they need to lead better lives. The other tips will help ensure that any child who wants to be active will have the chance to do so.

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