Blurred Lines: How to Achieve a Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Flow at Home

relaxing house patio

If there’s a home design trend that’s likely going to stay for a long time, it would be the seamless indoor-outdoor transition. From the inside of your home, you get to appreciate a nice garden view and experience an illusion of space when the outdoors are blended in the interiors. Meanwhile, from your yard or patio, you feel the warmth of your home while watching the sunset when you readily see the fireplace or couches in the living room.

This design trend, however, is a bit of a challenge to pull off. But, it’s possible with some clever tricks. Here are some worth trying in your space.

Use glass doors.

Tear down the solid walls to avoid creating a glaring distinction between indoor and outdoor living spaces. Replace them with transparent glass doors. This way, you’ll still have the privacy you need, but also achieve that nice, smooth flow between spaces, as the glass doesn’t get in the way of your sightline. This makes your home’s interiors look bigger and your outdoors cozier.

If glass doors aren’t an option though, consider going for big or long, narrow windows. Just don’t forget adding coverings, like motorized blinds or sliding shutters, to protect yourself from too much sunlight. You can also install retractable patio awnings for some good shade.

Tie the color schemes together.

Color schemes are not just pretty additions to interior design. They’re also utilitarian, and in this case, they can pull the spaces together in one cohesive look. When you use the same hues in your interiors and outdoors (at least in the immediate space, say, the patio), you can make the latter look like it’s just an extension of the former, achieving a seamless transition.

Chances are, you already have a color palette in your interiors. So, it’s really just a matter of copying that to your outdoor space through your choice of furniture, upholstery, and plants. Don’t be pressured to apply all colors you used in the interiors to your patio. Just pick the dominant color, and you’re good to go. In the event that you want to re-color your space though, take note of the 60-30-10 rule.

Repeat design elements.

View of an outdoor room of a modern home

The principle of repetition in design helps in connecting distinct spaces together. That said, replicate some elements from the indoors to your outdoors. If you used marble floors in your interior space, extend that to your patio. If you popped some throw pillows in your couches inside, maybe you can also include some in your conversation area around the firepit.

In the same manner, incorporate lanai elements to your living room or kitchen. Set up some plants in different corners or use wood furniture as accent pieces. Add a koi pond near your dining area, replicating the water features in your yard.

A seamless transition between your home’s indoor and outdoor living areas will instantly give it a sure eye candy. It’s an aesthetically pleasing feature that’s worth all the effort. Go jump into this trend, revamp your space, and wake up always inspired.

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